Sven Arnquist

For me, sales is understanding people

I have a deep experience in helping retailers optimize their business processes through technological innovations, for example from positions like International Commercial Director at Extenda Retail, and VP International Sales and Managing Director at Visma Retail. My professional focus has always been in business development and sales, where I have held several management positions in multinational companies, such as Samsung, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Siemens, and Canon.

Encouraging people is the most powerful force

I started my professional career in a men’s clothing store, where I learned how to make customers happy by providing them with honest and professional advice. This skill proved to be very useful later, when working in sales and business development within information technology. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to work for a large number of international companies, and I truly appreciate working in a multicultural environment. I also have a sincere and deep passion for accelerating sales results, through strategic planning and operational execution. Business is done by people. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Why Acceltech?

I chose to be part of Acceltech because it has a unique ability to combine new technological innovations with operational productivity, by taking people’s changing behaviors into account. 

+46 76-87 84 609